00001 /* 00002 * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. 00003 * 00004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 00005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 00006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 00007 * 00008 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 00009 * 00010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 00011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 00012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 00013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 00014 * limitations under the License. 00015 */ 00016 #if !defined(XALANTRANSFORMER_HEADER_GUARD) 00017 #define XALANTRANSFORMER_HEADER_GUARD 00018 00019 00020 00021 // Base include file. Must be first. 00022 #include <xalanc/XalanTransformer/XalanTransformerDefinitions.hpp> 00023 00024 00025 00026 #include <cassert> 00027 #if defined(XALAN_CLASSIC_IOSTREAMS) 00028 class ostream; 00029 #else 00030 #include <iosfwd> 00031 #endif 00032 #include <algorithm> 00033 00034 00035 00036 #include <xalanc/Include/XalanVector.hpp> 00037 00038 00039 00040 #include <xalanc/XPath/XalanQNameByValue.hpp> 00041 00042 00043 00044 #include <xalanc/XSLT/XSLTInputSource.hpp> 00045 #include <xalanc/XSLT/XSLTResultTarget.hpp> 00046 00047 00048 00049 XALAN_DECLARE_XERCES_CLASS(EntityResolver) 00050 XALAN_DECLARE_XERCES_CLASS(ErrorHandler) 00051 00052 00053 00054 XALAN_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN 00055 00056 00057 00058 typedef XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER EntityResolver EntityResolverType; 00059 typedef XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER ErrorHandler ErrorHandlerType; 00060 00061 00062 00063 class Function; 00064 class StylesheetExecutionContextDefault; 00065 class ProblemListener; 00066 class TraceListener; 00067 class XSLTInit; 00068 class XalanDocumentBuilder; 00069 class XalanCompiledStylesheet; 00070 class XalanParsedSource; 00071 class XalanTransformerOutputStream; 00072 00073 00074 00081 class XALAN_TRANSFORMER_EXPORT XalanTransformer 00082 { 00083 00084 public: 00085 00086 #if defined(XALAN_NO_STD_NAMESPACE) 00087 typedef ostream StreamType; 00088 #else 00089 typedef std::ostream StreamType; 00090 #endif 00091 00092 XalanTransformer(MemoryManagerType& theManager = XalanMemMgrs::getDefaultXercesMemMgr()); 00093 00094 virtual 00095 ~XalanTransformer(); 00096 00097 MemoryManagerType& 00098 getMemoryManager() 00099 { 00100 return m_memoryManager; 00101 } 00102 00103 const MemoryManagerType& 00104 getMemoryManager() const 00105 { 00106 return m_memoryManager; 00107 } 00108 00117 static void 00118 initialize(MemoryManagerType& theManager = XalanMemMgrs::getDefaultXercesMemMgr()); 00119 00132 static void 00133 terminate(); 00134 00153 static void 00154 ICUCleanUp(); 00155 00156 00157 static void 00158 ICUStartUp(MemoryManagerType& theManager = XalanMemMgrs::getDefaultXercesMemMgr()); 00159 00169 int 00170 transform( 00171 const XalanParsedSource& theParsedXML, 00172 const XSLTInputSource& theStylesheetSource, 00173 const XSLTResultTarget& theResultTarget) 00174 { 00175 return doTransform(theParsedXML, 0, &theStylesheetSource, theResultTarget); 00176 } 00177 00187 int 00188 transform( 00189 const XalanParsedSource& theParsedXML, 00190 const XalanCompiledStylesheet* theCompiledStylesheet, 00191 const XSLTResultTarget& theResultTarget) 00192 { 00193 assert(theCompiledStylesheet != 0); 00194 00195 return doTransform(theParsedXML, theCompiledStylesheet, 0, theResultTarget); 00196 } 00197 00207 int 00208 transform( 00209 const XalanParsedSource& theParsedXML, 00210 const XSLTResultTarget& theResultTarget) 00211 { 00212 assert(s_emptyInputSource != 0); 00213 00214 return transform(theParsedXML, *s_emptyInputSource, theResultTarget); 00215 } 00216 00228 int 00229 transform( 00230 const XSLTInputSource& theInputSource, 00231 const XSLTInputSource& theStylesheetSource, 00232 const XSLTResultTarget& theResultTarget); 00233 00244 int 00245 transform( 00246 const XSLTInputSource& theInputSource, 00247 const XSLTResultTarget& theResultTarget) 00248 { 00249 assert(s_emptyInputSource != 0); 00250 00251 return transform( 00252 theInputSource, 00253 *s_emptyInputSource, 00254 theResultTarget); 00255 } 00256 00275 int 00276 transform( 00277 const XSLTInputSource& theInputSource, 00278 const XSLTInputSource& theStylesheetSource, 00279 void* theOutputHandle, 00280 XalanOutputHandlerType theOutputHandler, 00281 XalanFlushHandlerType theFlushHandler = 0); 00282 00294 int 00295 transform( 00296 const XSLTInputSource& theInputSource, 00297 const XalanCompiledStylesheet* theCompiledStylesheet, 00298 const XSLTResultTarget& theResultTarget); 00299 00318 int 00319 transform( 00320 const XalanParsedSource& theParsedSource, 00321 const XalanCompiledStylesheet* theCompiledStylesheet, 00322 void* theOutputHandle, 00323 XalanOutputHandlerType theOutputHandler, 00324 XalanFlushHandlerType theFlushHandler = 0); 00325 00343 int 00344 transform( 00345 const XSLTInputSource& theInputSource, 00346 void* theOutputHandle, 00347 XalanOutputHandlerType theOutputHandler, 00348 XalanFlushHandlerType theFlushHandler = 0); 00349 00362 int 00363 compileStylesheet( 00364 const XSLTInputSource& theStylesheetSource, 00365 const XalanCompiledStylesheet*& theCompiledStylesheet); 00366 00374 int 00375 destroyStylesheet(const XalanCompiledStylesheet* theStylesheet); 00376 00390 int 00391 parseSource( 00392 const XSLTInputSource& theInputSource, 00393 const XalanParsedSource*& theParsedSource, 00394 bool useXercesDOM = false); 00395 00402 int 00403 destroyParsedSource(const XalanParsedSource* theParsedSource); 00404 00415 XalanDocumentBuilder* 00416 createDocumentBuilder(const XalanDOMString& theURI = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr())); 00417 00425 void 00426 destroyDocumentBuilder(XalanDocumentBuilder* theDocumentBuilder); 00427 00435 void 00436 installExternalFunction( 00437 const XalanDOMString& theNamespace, 00438 const XalanDOMString& functionName, 00439 const Function& function); 00440 00448 static void 00449 installExternalFunctionGlobal( 00450 const XalanDOMString& theNamespace, 00451 const XalanDOMString& functionName, 00452 const Function& function); 00453 00460 void 00461 uninstallExternalFunction( 00462 const XalanDOMString& theNamespace, 00463 const XalanDOMString& functionName); 00464 00471 static void 00472 uninstallExternalFunctionGlobal( 00473 const XalanDOMString& theNamespace, 00474 const XalanDOMString& functionName); 00475 00483 void 00484 setStylesheetParam( 00485 const XalanDOMString& key, 00486 const XalanDOMString& expression); 00487 00495 void 00496 setStylesheetParam( 00497 const char* key, 00498 const char* expression); 00499 00507 void 00508 addTraceListener(TraceListener* theTraceListener) 00509 { 00510 m_traceListeners.push_back(theTraceListener); 00511 } 00512 00519 bool 00520 removeTraceListener(TraceListener* theTraceListener); 00521 00525 void 00526 removeTraceListeners() 00527 { 00528 m_traceListeners.clear(); 00529 } 00530 00537 bool 00538 getUseValidation() const 00539 { 00540 return m_useValidation; 00541 } 00542 00549 void 00550 setUseValidation(bool fValue) 00551 { 00552 m_useValidation = fValue; 00553 } 00554 00560 EntityResolverType* 00561 getEntityResolver() const 00562 { 00563 return m_entityResolver; 00564 } 00565 00575 void 00576 setEntityResolver(EntityResolverType* theResolver) 00577 { 00578 m_entityResolver = theResolver; 00579 } 00580 00586 ErrorHandlerType* 00587 getErrorHandler() const 00588 { 00589 return m_errorHandler; 00590 } 00591 00597 void 00598 setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerType* theErrorHandler) 00599 { 00600 m_errorHandler = theErrorHandler; 00601 } 00602 00609 const XalanDOMChar* 00610 getExternalSchemaLocation() const 00611 { 00612 return m_externalSchemaLocation.empty() == true ? 0 : m_externalSchemaLocation.c_str(); 00613 } 00614 00621 void 00622 setExternalSchemaLocation(const XalanDOMChar* location) 00623 { 00624 assert(location != 0); 00625 00626 m_externalSchemaLocation = location; 00627 } 00628 00635 const XalanDOMChar* 00636 getExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation() const 00637 { 00638 return m_externalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation.empty() == true ? 0 : m_externalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation.c_str(); 00639 } 00640 00647 void 00648 setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(const XalanDOMChar* location) 00649 { 00650 assert(location != 0); 00651 00652 m_externalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation = location; 00653 } 00654 00661 bool 00662 getPoolAllTextNodes() const 00663 { 00664 return m_poolAllTextNodes; 00665 } 00666 00675 void 00676 setPoolAllTextNodes(bool fPool) 00677 { 00678 m_poolAllTextNodes = fPool; 00679 } 00680 00686 ProblemListener* 00687 getProblemListener() const 00688 { 00689 return m_problemListener; 00690 } 00691 00697 void 00698 setProblemListener(ProblemListener* theProblemListener) 00699 { 00700 m_problemListener = theProblemListener; 00701 } 00702 00709 const char* 00710 getLastError() const 00711 { 00712 assert(m_errorMessage.empty() == false); 00713 00714 return &m_errorMessage[0]; 00715 } 00716 00723 const XalanDOMString& 00724 getOutputEncoding() const 00725 { 00726 return m_outputEncoding; 00727 } 00728 00737 void 00738 setOutputEncoding(const XalanDOMString& theEncoding) 00739 { 00740 m_outputEncoding = theEncoding; 00741 } 00742 00748 int 00749 getIndent() const; 00750 00756 void 00757 setIndent(int indentAmount); 00758 00762 enum eEscapeURLs 00763 { 00764 eEscapeURLsDefault, // Use the value in the stylesheet 00765 eEscapeURLsNo, // Don't escape URLs 00766 eEscapeURLsYes // Escape URLs 00767 }; 00768 00776 eEscapeURLs 00777 getEscapeURLs() const; 00778 00786 void 00787 setEscapeURLs(eEscapeURLs value); 00788 00793 enum eOmitMETATag 00794 { 00795 eOmitMETATagDefault, // Use the value in the stylesheet 00796 eOmitMETATagNo, // Don't omit the META tag 00797 eOmitMETATagYes // Omit the META tag 00798 }; 00799 00807 eOmitMETATag 00808 getOmitMETATag() const; 00809 00817 void 00818 setOmitMETATag(eOmitMETATag value); 00819 00828 void 00829 setWarningStream(StreamType* theStream) 00830 { 00831 m_warningStream = theStream; 00832 } 00833 00839 StreamType* 00840 getWarningStream() const 00841 { 00842 return m_warningStream; 00843 } 00844 00845 typedef XalanVector<const XalanCompiledStylesheet*> CompiledStylesheetPtrVectorType; 00846 typedef XalanVector<const XalanParsedSource*> ParsedSourcePtrVectorType; 00847 typedef XALAN_STD_QUALIFIER pair<XalanDOMString*, XalanDOMString*> ParamPairType; 00848 typedef XalanVector<ParamPairType> ParamPairVectorType; 00849 typedef XALAN_STD_QUALIFIER pair<XalanQNameByValue*, Function*> FunctionPairType; 00850 typedef XalanVector<FunctionPairType> FunctionParamPairVectorType; 00851 typedef XalanVector<TraceListener*> TraceListenerVectorType; 00852 00853 class EnsureFunctionsInstallation 00854 { 00855 public: 00856 00857 EnsureFunctionsInstallation(MemoryManagerType& theManager) : 00858 m_memoryManagement(theManager), 00859 m_release(false) 00860 { 00861 } 00862 00863 ~EnsureFunctionsInstallation(); 00864 00865 void 00866 install(); 00867 00868 void 00869 release() 00870 { 00871 m_release = true; 00872 } 00873 00874 private: 00875 MemoryManagerType& m_memoryManagement; 00876 00877 bool m_release; 00878 }; 00879 00880 class EnsureDestroyParsedSource 00881 { 00882 public: 00883 00884 EnsureDestroyParsedSource( 00885 XalanTransformer& theTransformer, 00886 const XalanParsedSource* theParsedSource) : 00887 m_transformer(theTransformer), 00888 m_parsedSource(theParsedSource) 00889 { 00890 } 00891 00892 ~EnsureDestroyParsedSource() 00893 { 00894 m_transformer.destroyParsedSource(m_parsedSource); 00895 } 00896 00897 private: 00898 00899 XalanTransformer& m_transformer; 00900 00901 const XalanParsedSource* const m_parsedSource; 00902 }; 00903 00904 struct EnsureDestroyCompiledStylesheet 00905 { 00906 EnsureDestroyCompiledStylesheet( 00907 XalanTransformer& theTransformer, 00908 const XalanCompiledStylesheet* theCompiledStylesheet) : 00909 m_transformer(theTransformer), 00910 m_compiledStylesheet(theCompiledStylesheet) 00911 { 00912 } 00913 00914 ~EnsureDestroyCompiledStylesheet() 00915 { 00916 m_transformer.destroyStylesheet(m_compiledStylesheet); 00917 } 00918 00919 private: 00920 00921 XalanTransformer& m_transformer; 00922 00923 const XalanCompiledStylesheet* const m_compiledStylesheet; 00924 }; 00925 00926 struct EnsureDestroyDocumentBuilder 00927 { 00928 EnsureDestroyDocumentBuilder( 00929 XalanTransformer& theTransformer, 00930 XalanDocumentBuilder* theDocumentBuilder) : 00931 m_transformer(theTransformer), 00932 m_documentBuilder(theDocumentBuilder) 00933 { 00934 } 00935 00936 ~EnsureDestroyDocumentBuilder() 00937 { 00938 m_transformer.destroyDocumentBuilder(m_documentBuilder); 00939 } 00940 00941 private: 00942 00943 XalanTransformer& m_transformer; 00944 00945 XalanDocumentBuilder* const m_documentBuilder; 00946 }; 00947 template <class T> 00948 #if defined(XALAN_NO_STD_NAMESPACE) 00949 struct DeleteParamPairFunctor : public unary_function<T&, void> 00950 #else 00951 struct DeleteParamPairFunctor : public std::unary_function<T&, void> 00952 #endif 00953 { 00954 #if defined(XALAN_NO_STD_NAMESPACE) 00955 typedef unary_function<T&, void> BaseClassType; 00956 #else 00957 typedef std::unary_function<T&, void> BaseClassType; 00958 #endif 00959 00960 typedef typename BaseClassType::result_type result_type; 00961 typedef typename BaseClassType::argument_type argument_type; 00962 00963 DeleteParamPairFunctor(MemoryManagerType& theManager) : 00964 m_memoryManager(theManager) 00965 { 00966 } 00967 00968 template<class PtrT> 00969 void 00970 deletePtr(PtrT* ptr)const 00971 { 00972 ptr->~PtrT(); 00973 } 00974 00980 result_type 00981 operator()(argument_type thePair) const 00982 { 00983 T& tmpPair = const_cast<T&>(thePair); 00984 00985 if (tmpPair.first != 0) 00986 { 00987 deletePtr(tmpPair.first); 00988 00989 m_memoryManager.deallocate((void*)tmpPair.first); 00990 } 00991 00992 if (tmpPair.second != 0) 00993 { 00994 deletePtr(tmpPair.second); 00995 00996 m_memoryManager.deallocate((void*)tmpPair.second); 00997 } 00998 00999 01000 } 01001 01002 private: 01003 01004 MemoryManagerType& m_memoryManager; 01005 01006 }; 01007 protected: 01008 01009 private: 01010 01011 void 01012 reset(); 01013 01014 class EnsureReset 01015 { 01016 public: 01017 01018 EnsureReset(XalanTransformer& theTransformer) : 01019 m_transformer(theTransformer) 01020 { 01021 } 01022 01023 ~EnsureReset(); 01024 01025 private: 01026 01027 XalanTransformer& m_transformer; 01028 }; 01029 01030 friend class EnsureReset; 01031 01032 int 01033 doTransform( 01034 const XalanParsedSource& theParsedXML, 01035 const XalanCompiledStylesheet* theCompiledStylesheet, 01036 const XSLTInputSource* theStylesheetSource, 01037 const XSLTResultTarget& theResultTarget); 01038 01039 01040 // Data members... 01041 MemoryManagerType& m_memoryManager; 01042 01043 CompiledStylesheetPtrVectorType m_compiledStylesheets; 01044 01045 ParsedSourcePtrVectorType m_parsedSources; 01046 01047 ParamPairVectorType m_paramPairs; 01048 01049 FunctionParamPairVectorType m_functionPairs; 01050 01051 TraceListenerVectorType m_traceListeners; 01052 01053 CharVectorType m_errorMessage; 01054 01055 bool m_useValidation; 01056 01057 EntityResolverType* m_entityResolver; 01058 01059 ErrorHandlerType* m_errorHandler; 01060 01061 XalanDOMString m_externalSchemaLocation; 01062 01063 XalanDOMString m_externalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation; 01064 01065 ProblemListener* m_problemListener; 01066 01067 StreamType* m_warningStream; 01068 01069 XalanDOMString m_outputEncoding; 01070 01071 bool m_poolAllTextNodes; 01072 01073 // This should always be the latest data member!!! 01074 StylesheetExecutionContextDefault* m_stylesheetExecutionContext; 01075 01076 static const XSLTInputSource* s_emptyInputSource; 01077 01078 static const XSLTInit* s_xsltInit; 01079 }; 01080 01081 01082 01083 XALAN_CPP_NAMESPACE_END 01084 01085 01086 01087 #endif // XALANTRANSFORMER_HEADER_GUARD
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Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.10 |