Xindice API
version 1.2m1

Package org.apache.xindice.core.meta.inline

Interface Summary
InlineMetaMap The inline meta data is a collection of name-value pairs.
InlineMetaReader The Value associated with a Record can be prefixed by a header containing 'inline' metadata.
InlineMetaWriter The Value associated with a Record can be prefixed by a header containing 'inline' metadata.

Class Summary
InlineHeaderBuilder Construct a Value object containing the inline metadata header and value data.
InlineMetaService If the documents in a collection have headers, the Collection object holds an instance of this class.
InlineMetaService.DatabaseEntry Utility class for returning an InlineMetaMap and Value from readDatabaseEntry(Value).
NullReader Read metadata of length zero.
NullReader.NullMap A VERY simple and efficient InlineMetaMap implementation that holds precisely nothing.
NullWriter Write metadata of length zero.
ResourceTypeReader.ResourceTypeMap A simple and efficient Map implementation that holds the attributes available from a ResourceType header.
ResourceTypeWriter Write metadata identifying the resource type (xml or binary).

Exception Summary
InlineMetaException An InlineMetaException is thrown by inline metadata code if an exception occurs in the managing of the metadata.

Xindice API
version 1.2m1

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