Xindice API
version 1.2m1

Package org.apache.xindice.webadmin.viewer.components

Class Summary
CollectionConfigurationViewer Xindice Html Viewer for Collection configuration.
CollectionIndexesViewer Xindice Html Viewer for Collection Indexers.
ContentResourceViewer Xindice Html Contents Viewer for Resources
CreateCollectionViewer Xindice Html Viewer for creating a new collection.
DeleteCollectionViewer Xindice Html Viewer for deleting a collection.
DeleteResourceViewer Xindice Html Viewer for deleting resources.
ListCollectionViewer Xindice Html Viewer for collection listings.
ListDatabaseViewer Xindice Html Viewer for database listings.
MetadataCollectionViewer Xindice Html Viewer for Collection Metadata.
MetadataResourceViewer Xindice Html Viewer for Resource Metadata.
UploadCollectionViewer Xindice Html Viewer for uploading documents to this collection.
XPathSearchCollectionViewer Xindice Html Viewer for collection xpath searches.
XUpdateCollectionViewer Xindice Html Viewer for collection xupdate searches.

Xindice API
version 1.2m1

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