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This package contains an implementation of the W3C XML Schema
Language, a recommendation of the Worldwide Web Consortium
available in three parts:
XML Schema: Primer and
XML Schema: Structures and
XML Schema: Datatypes.
We consider this implementation complete except for the limitations cited below.
We would very much appreciate feedback on the package via the Xerces-C++ mailing list
xerces-c-users@xerces.apache.org , and we
encourage the submission of bugs as described on our
Bug-Reporting page.
Please read this document before using this package.
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- Due to the way in which the parser constructs content
models for elements with complex content, specifying large
values for the
minOccurs or maxOccurs
attributes may cause a stack overflow or very poor performance
in the parser. Large values for minOccurs should be
avoided, and unbounded should be used instead of
a large value for maxOccurs .