Uses of Class

Packages that use DTMAxisIteratorBase

Uses of DTMAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom

Subclasses of DTMAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom
 class AbsoluteIterator
          Absolute iterators ignore the node that is passed to setStartNode().
 class CachedNodeListIterator
          CachedNodeListIterator is used for select expressions in a variable or parameter.
 class ClonedNodeListIterator
          A ClonedNodeListIterator is returned by the cloneIterator() method of a CachedNodeListIterator.
 class CurrentNodeListIterator
          Iterators of this kind use a CurrentNodeListFilter to filter a subset of nodes from a source iterator.
 class DupFilterIterator
          Removes duplicates and sorts a source iterator.
 class FilteredStepIterator
          Extends a StepIterator by adding the ability to filter nodes.
 class FilterIterator
          Similar to a CurrentNodeListIterator except that the filter has a simpler interface (only needs the node, no position, last, etc.) It takes a source iterator and a Filter object and returns nodes from the source after filtering them by calling filter.test(node).
 class ForwardPositionIterator
          Deprecated. This class exists only for backwards compatibility with old translets. New code should not reference it.
 class KeyIndex
          Stores mappings of key values or IDs to DTM nodes.
 class KeyIndex.KeyIndexIterator
          An iterator representing the result of a reference to either the XSLT key function or the XPath id function.
 class MatchingIterator
          This is a special kind of iterator that takes a source iterator and a node N.
 class MultiValuedNodeHeapIterator
          MultiValuedNodeHeapIterator takes a set of multi-valued heap nodes and produces a merged NodeSet in document order with duplicates removed.
 class NthIterator
 class SAXImpl.NamespaceAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attributes within a given namespace for a node.
 class SAXImpl.NamespaceChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children within a given namespace for a given node.
 class SAXImpl.NamespaceWildcardIterator
          Iterator that handles node tests that test for a namespace, but have a wild card for the local name of the node, i.e., node tests of the form :::*
 class SAXImpl.TypedNamespaceIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class SimpleResultTreeImpl.SimpleIterator
          The SimpleIterator is designed to support the nodeset() extension function.
 class SimpleResultTreeImpl.SingletonIterator
          The SingletonIterator is used for the self axis.
 class SingletonIterator
 class SortingIterator
 class StepIterator
          A step iterator is used to evaluate expressions like "BOOK/TITLE".
 class UnionIterator
          UnionIterator takes a set of NodeIterators and produces a merged NodeSet in document order with duplicates removed The individual iterators are supposed to generate nodes in document order

Uses of DTMAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref

Subclasses of DTMAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.AncestorIterator
          Iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node in document order.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.AttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes (of what nodes?)
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.ChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns all immediate children of a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.DescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.FollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.FollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all siblings of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase
          Abstract superclass defining behaviors shared by all DTMDefault's internal implementations of DTMAxisIterator.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attributes within a given namespace for a node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children within a given namespace for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NthDescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.ParentIterator
          Iterator that returns the parent of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.PrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.PrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.RootIterator
          Iterator that returns the the root node as defined by the XPath data model for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.SingletonIterator
          Class SingletonIterator.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedAncestorIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes of a given type
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children of a given type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedDescendantIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedFollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of a given type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedFollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all following siblings of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedNamespaceIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedPrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of agiven type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given type for a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedRootIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedSingletonIterator
          Iterator that returns a given node only if it is of a given type.

Uses of DTMAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm

Subclasses of DTMAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm
 class SAX2DTM2.AncestorIterator
          Iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node in document order.
 class SAX2DTM2.AttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes (of what nodes?)
 class SAX2DTM2.ChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns all immediate children of a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.DescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.FollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.FollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all siblings of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.ParentIterator
          Iterator that returns the parent of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.PrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.PrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedAncestorIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes of a given type
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children of a given type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedDescendantIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedFollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of a given type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedFollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all following siblings of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedPrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of agiven type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given type for a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedRootIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedSingletonIterator
          Iterator that returns a given node only if it is of a given type.

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