To use the Windows binary distribution, you must place the Xalan executables and the Xalan and Xerces libraries on the path:
- Put Xalan-C_1_10_0-<my_Windows_distribution>\bin and xerces-c2_7_0-<my_Windows_distribution>\bin on the path.
The Visual C++ Xalan project included with the Windows release knows the relative paths to the Xalan headers and libraries, but it
does not know where you have unzipped the Xerces distribution. If you plan to use Visual C++ to build Xalan applications or rebuild Xalan, you must also provide Visual C++ with access to the Xerces headers and libraries.
Use the Visual C++ Tools menu to open the Options dialog box, go to the Directories tab, and do the following:
- Add the path to xerces-c2_7_0-<my_Windows_distribution>\include to the list of directories of Include files.
- Add the path to xerces-c2_7_0-<my_Windows_distribution>\lib to the list of directories of Library files.