Xindice API
version 1.2m1

Package org.apache.xindice.xml

Top level package for Xindice XML support, including DOM, SAX, Compression, and JAXP drivers.


Interface Summary
Signatures Signatures defines identifying values for the types that the Xindice DOM recognizes.
XMLSerializable XMLSerializable is the interface that must be implemented by XMLSerializable classes.

Class Summary
NamespaceMap NamespaceMap is just a HashMap extension that provides some useful Namespace related functionality.
NodeSource NodeSource encapsulates the source of a Document, including its Collection reference and its Key.
SymbolTable SymbolTable is a class that allows the Xindice Compression system to resolve symbol IDs in compression/decompression passes.
SymbolTableSymbols SymbolTableSymbols is class that represents the hard-coded definition of a compressed symbol table.
TextWriter TextWriter takes a Document, DocumentFragment, or Element and streams it as text into an OutputStream, Writer, or a String.
Xml2HtmlWriter Xml2HtmlWriter takes a Document, DocumentFragment, or Element and streams it as html to an output source (or a String).
XMLCompressedInput XMLCompressedInput is an InputStream extension that provides functions for reading type from a Xindice Compressed XML Stream.
XMLCompressedOutput XMLCompressedInput is an OutputStream extension that provides functions for writing types to a Xindice Compressed XML Stream.

Package org.apache.xindice.xml Description

Top level package for Xindice XML support, including DOM, SAX, Compression, and JAXP drivers.

Xindice API
version 1.2m1

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