Xindice API
version 1.2m1

Package org.apache.xindice.core.query.ftsearch

Class Summary
NodeReader Implementation of IndexReader that works with set of DOM nodes in memory.
NodeTermDocs TermDocs for searching over DOM nodes in memory
NodeTermEnum Ordered set of terms used by NodeReader.
NodeTermPositions TermPositions for searching over DOM nodes in memory
Searcher Searcher executes full text queries against list of nodes and returns nodes that match the query in the order of relevance (score) - most relevant results will be return first.

Query syntax is the same as syntax of Lucene query, except it does not use field names.
SpecialQueryParser Specialized parser for text queries that ignores query clauses that have 'prohibited' modifier.

Xindice API
version 1.2m1

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