Xindice API
version 1.1

Package org.apache.xindice.core.query

Implements the Xindice QueryEngine and XPathQueryResolver.


Interface Summary
Query Query represents a compiled (parsed and primed) query.
QueryResolver QueryResolver is an interface that has to be implemented to actually perfrom query resolution.

Class Summary
NodeListSet NodeListSet is a simple NodeList wrapper
QueryEngine QueryEngine is the Xindice Query Engine.
QueryUtil Helper to convert NodeSet query result into the Document
XPathQueryResolver XPathQueryResolver

Exception Summary
CompilationException A CompilationException is thrown by a Query if for some reason, it can't compile the query being processed.
ProcessingException A ProcessingException is thrown by a Query if for some reason, it fails to actually process the query request.
QueryException A QueryException is thrown by a Query if an exception occurs in the processing of the Query.
StyleNotFoundException A StyleNotFoundException is thrown by a Query if the QueryEngine can't resolve a specified style name.

Package org.apache.xindice.core.query Description

Implements the Xindice QueryEngine and XPathQueryResolver. Also defines several interfaces for extending the QueryEngine beyond XPath queries.

Xindice API
version 1.1

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