The Apache FOP Project

The Apache™ FOP Project

Page Contents

Apache™ FOP: Mailing List Resources

General Information

Before posting questions to any list:

For help in understanding email acronyms, see the Lingo2Word Acronym List, or the Keno Internet Services Internet Glossary.

Apache™ FOP Users Mailing List

Use this forum to discuss topics of interest to FOP users.


To review the archives, you have several options:

If you don't like mailing lists and prefer a forum-like system, have a look at GMANE or Nabble. They allow you to post to the mailing list without having to subscribe.

Subscription Information

You can find the developer mailing list on the Development pages.

Submitting a Question

FOP support is primarily self-service . The FOP User Mailing List serves as a backup to the self-service documentation for cases where either the documentation is deficient or where users have unusual circumstances. FOP developers and users are happy to help answer questions that are appropriate to the forum (i.e. FOP-specific), and that are submitted after appropriate preparation. To ensure that your question is not abusive of this policy, please use the following checklist:

XSL-FO Mailing List (at W3C)

Use this forum to ask general XSL-FO questions.

XSL-FO Mailing List (at YahooGroups)

Use this forum to ask general XSL-FO questions.

XSLT List (Mulberry Tech)