Xalan-C++ API Documentation
Xalan-C++ API Documentation
The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.10
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StylesheetExecutionContext Member List
This is the complete list of members for StylesheetExecutionContext, including all inherited members.
- addResultAttribute(const XalanDOMString &aname, const XalanDOMString &value)=0
[pure virtual]
- addResultAttribute(const XalanDOMString &aname, const XalanDOMChar *value)=0
[pure virtual]
- beginCreateXResultTreeFrag(XalanNode *sourceNode)=0
[pure virtual]
- beginFormatToText(XalanDOMString &theResult)=0
[pure virtual]
- beginParams()=0
[pure virtual]
- borrowMutableNodeRefList()=0
[pure virtual]
- characters(const XalanDOMChar *ch, XalanDOMString::size_type start, XalanDOMString::size_type length)=0
[pure virtual]
- characters(const XalanNode &node)=0
[pure virtual]
- characters(const XObjectPtr &xobject)=0
[pure virtual]
- charactersRaw(const XalanDOMChar *ch, XalanDOMString::size_type start, XalanDOMString::size_type length)=0
[pure virtual]
- charactersRaw(const XalanNode &node)=0
[pure virtual]
- charactersRaw(const XObjectPtr &xobject)=0
[pure virtual]
- clearTopLevelParams()=0
[pure virtual]
- cloneToResultTree(const XalanNode &node, const LocatorType *locator)=0
[pure virtual]
- cloneToResultTree(const XalanNode &node, XalanNode::NodeType nodeType, bool overrideStrip, bool shouldCloneAttributes, const LocatorType *locator)=0
[pure virtual]
- collationCompare(const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)=0
[pure virtual]
- collationCompare(const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS, const XalanDOMString &theLocale, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)=0
[pure virtual]
- collationCompare(const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)=0
[pure virtual]
- collationCompare(const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, const XalanDOMChar *theLocale, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)=0
[pure virtual]
- comment(const XalanDOMChar *data)=0
[pure virtual]
- copyNamespaceAttributes(const XalanNode &src)=0
[pure virtual]
- createAndPushMutableNodeRefList()=0
[pure virtual]
- createAndPushNodesToTransformList(const NodeRefListBase *nodeList)=0
[pure virtual]
- createFormatterToHTML(Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=true, int indent=eDefaultHTMLIndentAmount, bool escapeURLs=true, bool omitMetaTag=false)=0
[pure virtual]
- createFormatterToText(Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding)=0
[pure virtual]
- createFormatterToXML(Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &version=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=false, int indent=eDefaultXMLIndentAmount, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool xmlDecl=true, const XalanDOMString &standalone=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()))=0
[pure virtual]
- createMatchPattern(const XalanDOMString &str, const PrefixResolver &resolver)=0
[pure virtual]
- createMutableNodeRefList(MemoryManagerType &theManager) const=0
[pure virtual]
- createPrintWriter(XalanOutputStream *theTextOutputStream)=0
[pure virtual]
- createPrintWriter(const XalanDOMString &theFileName, const XalanDOMString &theEncoding)=0
[pure virtual]
- createPrintWriter(StreamType &theStream)=0
[pure virtual]
- createPrintWriter(FILE *theStream)=0
[pure virtual]
- createUseAttributeSetIndexesOnStack()=0
[pure virtual]
- createVariable(const XPath &xpath, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)=0
[pure virtual]
- createXalanNumberFormat()=0
[pure virtual]
- eDefaultHTMLIndentAmount enum value
- eDefaultXMLIndentAmount enum value
- eDummy enum name
- eEscapeURLs enum name
- eEscapeURLsDefault enum value
- eEscapeURLsNo enum value
- eEscapeURLsYes enum value
- elementAvailable(const XalanQName &theQName) const=0
[pure virtual]
- elementAvailable(const XalanDOMString &theName, const LocatorType *locator) const=0
[pure virtual]
- endCreateXResultTreeFrag()=0
[pure virtual]
- endDocument()=0
[pure virtual]
- endElement(const XalanDOMChar *name)=0
[pure virtual]
- endFormatToText()=0
[pure virtual]
- endParams()=0
[pure virtual]
- eOmitMETATag enum name
- eOmitMETATagDefault enum value
- eOmitMETATagNo enum value
- eOmitMETATagYes enum value
- error(const XalanDOMString &msg, const ElemTemplateElement &styleNode, const XalanNode *sourceNode=0) const=0
[pure virtual]
- error(const XalanDOMString &msg, const XalanNode *sourceNode, const LocatorType *locator) const=0
[pure virtual]
- ExecutionContext(MemoryManagerType &m_memoryManager)
- extFunction(const XalanDOMString &theNamespace, const XalanDOMString &functionName, XalanNode *context, const XObjectArgVectorType &argVec, const LocatorType *locator)=0
[pure virtual]
- findOnElementRecursionStack(const ElemTemplateElement *theElement) const=0
[pure virtual]
- findURIFromDoc(const XalanDocument *owner) const=0
[pure virtual]
- fireGenerateEvent(const GenerateEvent &ge)=0
[pure virtual]
- fireSelectEvent(const SelectionEvent &se)=0
[pure virtual]
- fireTraceEvent(const TracerEvent &te)=0
[pure virtual]
- flushPending()=0
[pure virtual]
- formatNumber(double number, const XalanDOMString &pattern, XalanDOMString &theResult, const XalanNode *context=0, const LocatorType *locator=0)=0
[pure virtual]
- formatNumber(double number, const XalanDOMString &pattern, const XalanDOMString &dfsName, XalanDOMString &theResult, const XalanNode *context=0, const LocatorType *locator=0)=0
[pure virtual]
- functionAvailable(const XalanQName &theQName) const=0
[pure virtual]
- functionAvailable(const XalanDOMString &theName, const LocatorType *locator) const=0
[pure virtual]
- getAndPopCachedString()=0
[pure virtual]
- getAndPushCachedString()=0
[pure virtual]
- GetCachedString typedef
- getCachedString()=0
[pure virtual]
- getContextNodeList() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getContextNodeListLength() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getContextNodeListPosition(const XalanNode &contextNode) const=0
[pure virtual]
- getCopyTextNodesOnly() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getCountersTable()=0
[pure virtual]
- getCurrentMode() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getCurrentNode() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getCurrentStackFrameIndex() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getCurrentTemplate() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getEscapeURLs() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getFormatterListener() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getGlobalStackFrameIndex() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getIndent() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getInvoker() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getLastCachedString()=0
[pure virtual]
- getMemoryManager()
- getNamespaceForPrefix(const XalanDOMString &prefix) const=0
[pure virtual]
- getNextNodeToTransform()=0
[pure virtual]
- getNodeSetByKey(XalanDocument *doc, const XalanQName &qname, const XalanDOMString &ref, MutableNodeRefList &nodelist)=0
[pure virtual]
- getNodeSetByKey(XalanDocument *doc, const XalanDOMString &name, const XalanDOMString &ref, const LocatorType *locator, MutableNodeRefList &nodelist)=0
[pure virtual]
- getNodeSorter()=0
[pure virtual]
- getOmitMETATag() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getParamVariable(const XalanQName &theName)=0
[pure virtual]
- getPrefixResolver() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getQuietConflictWarnings() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getResultNamespaceForPrefix(const XalanDOMString &thePrefix) const=0
[pure virtual]
- getResultPrefixForNamespace(const XalanDOMString &theNamespace) const=0
[pure virtual]
- getRootDocument() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getSkipElementAttributes() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getSourceDocument(const XalanDOMString &theURI) const=0
[pure virtual]
- getTraceListeners() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getTraceSelects() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getUniqueNamespaceValue(XalanDOMString &theValue) const=0
[pure virtual]
- getUnparsedEntityURI(const XalanDOMString &theName, const XalanDocument &theDocument) const=0
[pure virtual]
- getUseAttributeSetIndexes()=0
[pure virtual]
- getVariable(const XalanQName &name, const LocatorType *locator=0)=0
[pure virtual]
- getXalanXSLNameSpaceURL() const=0
[pure virtual]
- getXObjectFactory() const
- getXSLNameSpaceURL() const=0
[pure virtual]
- isElementPending() const=0
[pure virtual]
- isNodeAfter(const XalanNode &node1, const XalanNode &node2) const=0
[pure virtual]
- isPendingResultPrefix(const XalanDOMString &thePrefix)=0
[pure virtual]
- m_memoryManager
- m_xobjectFactory
- message(const XalanDOMString &msg, const ElemTemplateElement &styleNode, const XalanNode *sourceNode=0) const=0
[pure virtual]
- message(const XalanDOMString &msg, const XalanNode *sourceNode=0, const LocatorType *locator=0) const=0
[pure virtual]
- outputResultTreeFragment(const XObject &theTree, const LocatorType *locator)=0
[pure virtual]
- outputToResultTree(const XObject &xobj, const LocatorType *locator)=0
[pure virtual]
- ParamVectorType typedef
- parseXML(MemoryManagerType &theManager, const XalanDOMString &urlString, const XalanDOMString &base) const=0
[pure virtual]
- popContextMarker()=0
[pure virtual]
- popContextNodeList()=0
[pure virtual]
- popCopyTextNodesOnly()=0
[pure virtual]
- popCurrentMode()=0
[pure virtual]
- popCurrentNode()=0
[pure virtual]
- popCurrentStackFrameIndex()=0
[pure virtual]
- popCurrentTemplate()=0
[pure virtual]
- popElementFrame()=0
[pure virtual]
- popElementRecursionStack()=0
[pure virtual]
- popExecuteIf()=0
[pure virtual]
- popInvoker()=0
[pure virtual]
- popNodesToTransformList()=0
[pure virtual]
- popOutputContext()=0
[pure virtual]
- popProcessCurrentAttribute()=0
[pure virtual]
- popSkipElementAttributes()=0
[pure virtual]
- popUseAttributeSetIndexesFromStack()=0
[pure virtual]
- popXObjectPtr()=0
[pure virtual]
- processingInstruction(const XalanDOMChar *target, const XalanDOMChar *data)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushContextMarker()=0
[pure virtual]
- pushContextNodeList(const NodeRefListBase &theList)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushCopyTextNodesOnly(bool copyTextNodesOnly)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushCurrentMode(const XalanQName *theMode)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushCurrentNode(XalanNode *theCurrentNode)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushCurrentStackFrameIndex(int currentStackFrameIndex=-1)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushCurrentTemplate(const ElemTemplate *theTemplate)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushElementFrame(const ElemTemplateElement *elem)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushExecuteIf(bool executeIf)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushInvoker(const ElemTemplateElement *invoker)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushOnElementRecursionStack(const ElemTemplateElement *theElement)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushOutputContext(FormatterListener *flistener=0)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushParam(const XalanQName &qName, const XObjectPtr &theValue)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushProcessCurrentAttribute(bool processAttribute)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushSkipElementAttributes(bool skipAttributes)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushTopLevelVariables(const ParamVectorType &topLevelParams)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushVariable(const XalanQName &name, const ElemTemplateElement *element, const XalanDOMString &str, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushVariable(const XalanQName &name, const ElemTemplateElement *element, const XPath &xpath, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushVariable(const XalanQName &name, const XObjectPtr val, const ElemTemplateElement *element)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushVariable(const XalanQName &name, const ElemVariable *var, const ElemTemplateElement *element)=0
[pure virtual]
- pushXObjectPtr(const XObjectPtr &xobjectPtr)=0
[pure virtual]
- releaseAndPopMutableNodeRefList()=0
[pure virtual]
- releaseCachedString(XalanDOMString &theString)=0
[pure virtual]
- replacePendingAttribute(const XalanDOMChar *theName, const XalanDOMChar *theNewType, const XalanDOMChar *theNewValue)=0
[pure virtual]
- reset()=0
[pure virtual]
- resolveTopLevelParams()=0
[pure virtual]
- returnMutableNodeRefList(MutableNodeRefList *theList)=0
[pure virtual]
- returnXPath(const XPath *xpath)=0
[pure virtual]
- returnXResultTreeFrag(XResultTreeFrag *theXResultTreeFrag)=0
[pure virtual]
- setEscapeURLs(eEscapeURLs value)=0
[pure virtual]
- setFormatterListener(FormatterListener *flistener)=0
[pure virtual]
- setIndent(int indentAmount)=0
[pure virtual]
- setOmitMETATag(eOmitMETATag value)=0
[pure virtual]
- setPrefixResolver(const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver)=0
[pure virtual]
- setRootDocument(XalanNode *theDocument)=0
[pure virtual]
- setSourceDocument(const XalanDOMString &theURI, XalanDocument *theDocument)=0
[pure virtual]
- setStylesheetRoot(const StylesheetRoot *theStylesheet)=0
[pure virtual]
- shouldStripSourceNode(const XalanText &node)=0
[pure virtual]
- size_type typedef
- startDocument()=0
[pure virtual]
- startElement(const XalanDOMChar *name)=0
[pure virtual]
- StreamType typedef
- StylesheetExecutionContext(MemoryManagerType &m_memoryManager, XObjectFactory *theXObjectFactory=0)
- tl_size_type typedef
- traceSelect(const ElemTemplateElement &theStylesheetElement, const NodeRefListBase &nl, const XPath *xpath)=0
[pure virtual]
- warn(const XalanDOMString &msg, const ElemTemplateElement &styleNode, const XalanNode *sourceNode=0) const=0
[pure virtual]
- warn(const XalanDOMString &msg, const XalanNode *sourceNode=0, const LocatorType *locator=0) const=0
[pure virtual]
- XalanNumberFormatAutoPtr typedef
- XObjectArgVectorType typedef
- XPathExecutionContext(MemoryManagerType &m_memoryManager, XObjectFactory *theXObjectFactory=0)
- ~ExecutionContext()
- ~StylesheetExecutionContext()
- ~XPathExecutionContext()
Interpreting class diagrams
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GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.
Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.10
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.