 |  |  |  | Downloading the latest release |  |  |  |  |
| |
You can download the pre-built binary distributions from one of the
mirror sites at xalan-j distribution directory.
Xalan-J has two processors,
an interpretive one, Xalan Interpretive, and a compiled one, Xalan Compiled (XSLTC).
Your choice of which binary distribution to download depends on which
of the processors you want to use.
There are 2 binary distributions available; you only need to choose one of them.
Both binary distributions contain xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar from Xerces-Java 2.9.0.
- The first binary distribution,
xalan-j_2_7_1-bin.zip or
xalan-j_2_7_1-bin.tar.gz ,
contains the Xalan Interpretive processor, the Xalan Compiled processor (XSLTC) and the
runtime support packages in a single jar, called xalan.jar .
The reason to use this distribution would be that you don't know
which processor you are going to use, or might be using both.
- The second binary distribution,
xalan-j_2_7_1-bin-2jars.zip or
contains the Xalan Interpretive processor in xalan.jar , and the Xalan Compiled
processor (XSLTC) and the runtime support packages in xsltc.jar .
The reason to using this distribution is that you want more control.
If you are using just XSLTC you can put xsltc.jar on the classpath
and not xalan.jar . If you are using just the interpretive processor
you can put xalan xalan.jar on the classpath and not xsltc.jar . Of course
you can put both xalan.jar and xsltc.jar from this distribution
on your classpath if you want to use both.
We provide two distributions: a binary distribution, and a source distribution.
You can also download a source distribution from one of the same
mirror sites at xalan-j distribution directory. The difference
is that a binary distribution contains -bin in its name,
whereas a source distribution contain -src in its name.
To use Xalan-Java, you need the following which are available from
either a binary or source distribution:
xml-apis.jar JAXP APIs
xercesImpl.jar (or another XML Parser)
xsltc.jar the XSLTC processor, if you choose a 2jars distribution
serializer.jar which are the serializer classes of
If you have downloaded a binary distribution, you already have a build
(you have the jars). This is also true for a source distribution, however
if you downloaded a source distribution,
you have the option to use Ant to build Xalan-Java,
including xalan.jar , xsltc.jar , serializer.jar
and other things, see Using ant for more
 |  |  |  | How do I download the latest development code to build myself? |  |  |  |  |
| |
If you have downloaded a source distribution, or obtained source code
using subversion, this section may be of interest to you.
If you wish to download Xalan and build it yourself, perhaps because you want to
apply a patch and test it, you will need a subversion client and anonymous access
to the repository.
Don't worry, everyone has anonymous access.
You can find pre-built binaries of subversion clients for different
operating systems here:
for more information on Apache and subversion.
Once the subverion client is installed on your local machine you
can use the command line client program svn
to get the latest Xalan-J using a command line something like this:
 |  |  |  |
svn checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xalan/java/trunk java
|  |  |  |  |
where the argument after checkout is the Subversion repository location,
in this case the location of the latest development code, and the last argument,
in this case java is the location of the local directory that the repository is
copied to.
Similarly for the test harness, you can download the latest test harness with a Subversion command
something like this:
 |  |  |  |
svn checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xalan/test/trunk test
|  |  |  |  |
Those two commands will put a copy of the latest parts in the local
directories java and test,
which are sibling directories. If you
want to test your build with
the test harness provided with Xalan then it is easiest if you keep the
local directory names
as suggested. With your paths set up to compile Java code, go into the local java
directory and issue these two commands:
The build.bat batch file, or build.sh shell script (depending on
your operating system use ant and the buildfile build.xml. See
the section Using ant for more information.
Other useful targets may be xsltc.jar or serializer.jar .
If you want to test the jars you just built in the directory java/build, change to
directory test and issue this command:
 |  |  |  |
build jar
build smoketest
|  |  |  |  |
The first target, jar builds the test harness and only needs to be done
once after the test repository is checked out. The second target, smoketest,
runs the Xalan-J intepretive smoketest.
Running the build smoketest or other targets in the test directory
automatically looks for the jars in the directory ../java/build
and that is why it is easiest to download the projects into suggested sibling
directories with the given names.
Towards the end of the console output you will see two CONGRATULATIONS! messages if all
goes well. The end of the console output should look like this:
 |  |  |  |
[echo] [minitest] CONGRATULATIONS! The Minitest passed!
[echo] [minitest] See details in smoketest/Minitest.xml
[echo] [minitest] CONGRATULATIONS! The Smoketest passed!
[echo] [minitest] Details are in smoketest/results-conf.xml, smoketest/results-api.xml, smoketest/extensions/results-extensions.xml
Total time: 2 minutes 4 seconds
build completed!
|  |  |  |  |
Don't be fooled by the BUILD SUCCESSFUL messages, look for the two CONGRATULATIONS!
messages. If you run the smoketest for XSLTC with build smoketest.xsltc you wil
only get one CONGRATULATIONS! message if all goes well.
| |
If you have downloaded a source distribution, or obtained source code
using subversion, this section may be of interest to you.
Apache Ant is a flexible, powerful, and easy-to-use Java build tool that we include with the
Xalan-Java distribution. The Ant JAR file is in the tools directory, and the cross-platform XML build file (build.xml) is in
the root directory along with a Windows32 batch file (build.bat) and a UNIX shell file (build.sh). The build file defines
the "targets" that you can use Ant to build. The batch and shell files set up the classpath and launch Ant with the target
(and any other arguments) you provide.
Instructions for using Ant
- Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK root directory.
JDK 1.3.1 or higher is required to build Xalan-Java. You must put tools.jar from the JDK
bin directory on the classpath.
- Depending on your environment, run the batch file (build.bat) or shell file (build.sh)
from the Xalan-Java root directory, optionally with arguments (see the table of targets below).
The batch/shell file adds several JAR files to the classpath and launches Ant with any arguments
you provide. If you provide no target, Ant compiles the source files and rebuilds xalan.jar
(the "jar" target).
The Xalan-Java source code tree is in the src directory.
If you are using Ant, the target is jar (the default).
You can also set up your classpath manually (see build.bat or build.sh for the details), and
then run Ant as follows:
java org.apache.tools.ant.Main target
where target is nothing (for the default target) or one of the following.
Ant Target
| What Ant does
| compiles Xalan-Java in build/classes.
jar (the default)
| creates xalan.jar and serializer.jar in the build directory
| creates serializer.jar in the build directory
| creates xsltc.jar in the build directory
| compiles and jars the sample apps in build/xalansamples.jar
| compiles and jars the sample servlet in build/xalanservlet.jar
| creates the HTML User's Guide in build/docs
| generates the API documentation in ./build/docs/apidocs
| generates a complete distribution tree with zip and tar.gz distribution files in build
| purges the build and distribution
If you build a target that depends on other targets, Ant creates those other targets in the correct order.
Building without Ant
If you want to do the build without Ant, keep the following in mind:
- Set the classpath to include the src directory,
xercesImpl.jar , and xml-apis.jar .
- Use a Java compiler (such as the IBM Just-In-Time compiler or the Sun javac) to compile all the .java files in the src
- Use the
jar utility to store the resulting .class files in xalan.jar